Say goodbye to fad diets and guilt-ridden meals, and hello to a more satisfying and sustainable way of nourishing your whole self!

Embark on a journey to a healthier, more mindful you through “A Journey Into Mindful Eating”.

woman practicing mindfulness and mindful eating

Do Any of these ring true for you?

  • you are fed up with your negative relationship with food

  • you are so over the food guilt and shame that you have carried for far too long

  • you desire a greater sense of presence and awareness in your life and around your meals

  • you crave a deeper understanding of how your thoughts, emotions and attitudes impact your digestion (and beyond)

  • you want to evolve your thinking around food, and it’s impact on your health and wellness

If so, you’re invited to….

“A Journey Into Mindful Eating”

A 6-week, online course designed to help you tune into your body's hunger and fullness signals, savor your food, and overcome emotional eating habits.

Course Overview

Week 1: Intro to Mindfulness & Mindful Eating

  • Delve into the world of mindfulness and how it intertwines with our relationship with food. Discover the power of being fully present in the moment, and learn how mindful eating can transform your approach to meals.

Week 2: Intro to Emotions & Emotional Eating

  • Explore the intricate connection between your feelings and your eating habits. Learn to identify emotional triggers and responses, and uncover strategies to break free from emotional eating patterns.

Week 3: Recognizing Stress Eating & Triggers

  • Dive into the world of stress eating and its effects on our bodies and minds. Through self-discovery and mindfulness techniques, you'll uncover your unique stress triggers and develop practical tools to manage stress-related eating.

Week 4: Increasing Presence & Connection with Meals 

  • Learn how to savor each bite, cultivate gratitude for your food, and truly connect with your senses. Through interactive practices, you'll foster a deep sense of awareness during meals, making each eating occasion a meaningful and fulfilling ritual.

Week 5: Finding Joy in Eating

  • Eating is not just about fuel—it's also about joy and pleasure. Explore the concept of joyful eating and its positive impact on your well-being. Discover how to embrace your food choices without guilt and find delight in nourishing yourself.

Week 6: Eating with Intention

  • In this final module, learn how to make conscious choices aligned with your values, health goals, and body's needs. By incorporating mindful decision-making into your eating habits, you'll establish a strong foundation for long-lasting positive changes.

Course Features

  • Instant online access so you can start today.

  • Self-paced learning to accommodate busy schedules.

  • Engaging video lessons to keep you involved in the learning process.

  • Progressive learning lessons designed to build upon one another, gradually deepening your understanding of the content.

  • Guided mindfulness exercises you can integrate into your daily routine.

  • Expert insights and guidance throughout the course.

  • Downloadable handouts with action tasks and journal prompts so you can apply what you learn.

  • Digital wellness journal so you can document your journey and reflect on your experiences.

  • Resource links to research papers, articles, and recommended books for those who want to dive deeper into the lesson topics.

  • Email support related to course content.

  • Bonus enrollment content that complements the course material.

Enrollment Bonuses

  • This course was designed to be completed in just 6 weeks, but sometimes life gets busy. Enjoy 12 weeks of complimentary access.

  • E-book includes 13, full-color pages on how to eat mindfully while enjoying a meal out!

    What’s Inside:

    • Mindful eating before and during meals

    • Social pressure

    • Navigating menus

    • Menu hacks

    • Recipes swaps for favorites

  • Take the gratitude teachings in “A Journey Into Mindful Eating” a step further with this monthly journal. Download, print and re-use all year long.

Mindful Eating On The Go E-Book
Journey Into Mindful Eating Gratitude Journal

Meet Your


Functional Nutritionist

Integrative Healing Facilitator